Amazing music, art and animation. Well done, dumpster-clock, please continue making these incredibly entertaining flash videos of yours.
Amazing music, art and animation. Well done, dumpster-clock, please continue making these incredibly entertaining flash videos of yours.
uh ok sure
R.I.P Sidorio 2/13/06 - 9/19/2010
277 votes | 666 views
The Satan watched this.
I'd like to say goodbye, dear old friend
I won't stop reviewing with a ten
Watching and fiving all of your flash
Stealing and burning all of your cash
R.I.P Sidorio
Oh my, you're a poet and you didn't even know that you are one.
Well done ;o
Every part rocked, nice song and great idea.
Awesome collab is awesome.
Awesome review is awesome
Sorry I couldn't make a part
Great collab!
I trusted you, man, and you let me down!
To be honest, this is fucked up, although, I like it. A lot.
Good job!
Thanks Asalraalaikum! :-)
Very rude
Yet, so beautiful :'(
You will never sleep again.
One of ze best
Too tired to write a comment so: funny, classic and wonderful 10/10 5/5
you are nic
This blew my fucking mind, well done!
I'm a saint.
Age 30, Male
The holy land
Joined on 9/22/07